Here we are at the end of July and I think we have already had 21 days of triple digit temperatures, with more to come! We missed a lot of them because of a most marvelous three week vacation to Scotland and Ireland....where they were experiencing a drought and heat wave.....but I'll take their heat (70-80) and sunshine over this crazy Texas heat in a heartbeat!
County Donegal |
In May I rescued 10 assorted Swallowtail caterpillars from almost certain death, by bird, wasp, or anole......and placed them into my small butterfly habitat. Before we left for vacation, 8 of them had come out of their chrysalises and been released back into the garden, but the 2 remaining ones needed to be watched and released if they emerged. This also was added to poor Noah's ever growing list of life and death responsibilities and he took it on with unsurpassed bravery.
It is an incredible event to watch and I hoped he would get to witness it, but the last 2 never emerged.
So, he did an outstanding job and there were only a few casualties (they were iffy to begin with). Dogs were happy, well-fed and loved! House was cleaned and swept (though not one likes to dust) and the garden was living and breathing as well as it could be in the extra unexpected hot days! Thanks!!!! Noah doesn't talk much but I suspect Nancy had a part in this too. Thanks Nancy!
We did have a new family move in for a while. The mom and dad cardinals kept them supplied in yummies...probably including some caterpillars that didn't get rescued.
There is always so much life to be enjoyed if you provide the basic needs for all the little creatures of the world. They ask for so little....shelter, water and food, and give back so much, helping to keep things in balance and providing endless hours of entertainment. Take some time each day to look around......and enjoy!
Blue Dasher |
Eastern Pondhawk |
Neon Skimmer |
Great Crested Flycatcher |
Carolina Wren |
Black-chinned Hummingbird |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
Queen |
Snowberry Clearwinged Moth |
American Snoutnose |
Even when I'm at my computer, I'm able to see so much to distract our granddaughter, Shea says...."Lanie, you and ChaCha are so easily distracted!" distracted!!!!!
Get outside, breathe deeply, sing, hum, take pictures, listen, look, watch, notice and love!
And take a vacation! Go somewhere, where the ocean is in your backyard and there are endless paths to explore.
Balmaqueen, Isle of Skye, Scotland |