Saturday, January 1, 2022

A Portal into the Magical Realm

There is a door at the back of our house, an ordinary looking door that doesn't appear any different than other doors in other houses. It's an old door and does nothing to draw attention to itself. It's function is very doorish, to allow access to another space....But this door is unique. If you choose to go through it, it takes you into a magical realm. A realm different from all that surrounds it. 


Our house is on a small suburban lot, with varying sizes of lots and houses neighboring around us, all of which are similar to each other in that they have lawns of grass, shrubs against the houses and an occasional tree or two. On the other hand, our minuscule portion of the earth that we have temporary custody of, has the smallest little area of grass and the rest is plants, and beds and pathways....pathways on the edges of the magic.   

As much as I love fairy tales, that's not what I'm talking about when I say Magic. I'm speaking of having your senses enhanced, empowered, invigorated, opened up to reveal things that have previously been unseen, unheard, untouched, unsmelled and untasted. To experience the unaccountably enchanting nature in our world. 

When I go through that Portal, I never know what I will experience. It could be irritating to me, like the biting of a mosquito, or having to swat away the flies.....but there is a deeper encounter involved when I am walking in the magic of it.

Magic..... the learning to look beyond the itch and swat to the unaccountable enchantment....because it's's always been there.

Going through my portal has helped to redefine some of my itchy, swatty, being wintertime. Winter to me has always been a time that seemed barren, cold, confined, lifeless and dormant. I just hunkered down and waited for it to be over.  But there is indeed an unaccountable enchantment bursting out of the cold, barren, dormant surroundings. The fact that they are barren and dormant allows me to see what has been hidden. 

So if you find your world is black and white, gray or itchy-swatty, find your portal and run with abandon through it. it's there just waiting to reveal the unaccountably enchanting magic to you.