Sunday, May 3, 2009

Crazy Texas Weather

My lovely sweet smelling blue basil

Rue, Fennel and Dill (with Turk's cap in the background)
Monarch in the making
Henry Duelburg SalviaAfter the rain


Just because we have crazy weather doesn't mean we can't work in the garden. The pictures taken in the rain and afterwards were a little more colorful than in full sun. What a pleasant surprise. I was able to work between showers......planting some gomphrenas, a bulbine, a Henry Duelberg salvia, a lovely basil (I love the smell!), and some dill, fennel and rue for the butterflies.


  1. That monarch caterpillar is amazing! Can't wait to meet the butterfly.

  2. Wow. What a beautiful place!!! I love your garden. I'm slightly jealous of your fresh dill, basil and fennel.

  3. I have enjoyed the walk thru of your garden, your flowers are pretty. Always nice to meet new garden friends here in TX. I garden in Arlington, TX., my blog is, have a lovely weekend.
